Video recording clips of various parts of the program have been stored on youtube as one video of the gathering. Find it as one video "Fall 2019 Seattle - Dave..." on our Youtube channel; shortened url is (And please subscribe to it.)
Dave gave a wonderfully informative and entertaining talk about Jeremiah’s life and mission, what messages Jeremiah has for today's time, and how a Latter-day Saint should understand Jeremiah.
A wonderful potluck buffet was served and enjoyed by the large group attending.
In advance, Dave said: "A thorough understanding of the Old Testament/Jewish Bible is critical to understanding LDS doctrine. Joseph Smith would strongly agree, so I think I’m in good company.
"Jeremiah is one piece of this. To understand Jeremiah is to understand how Jews perceive the loss of the first temple, their national chastisement then and in other times, and the renewal of the covenant in the second temple and beyond. Of all people, Latter-day Saints should appreciate the beauty of those covenant relationships and ability to cope with disaster, rejection, and persecution."
The Feast of the Trumpets was introduced by Kim Cooney's shofar, followed by "HATIKVA" "The Hope", the official national anthem of Israel. Kim is a Tenor Baritone singer of sacred music well known in the area; he has performed with major productions and sings in various sacred settings.
Phil Ortega lead an introduction of I Need Thee Every Hour, transliterated into Hebrew.
Dave had just returned from presenting at the Sperry Symposium, and is currently teaching a religion class in our Seattle area. Here is his teaching resource page: He is a close friend of Professor Donald Parry, a Dead Sea Scroll scholar..
Our Jewish Genealogy specialist, Mary Kozy, made a brief presentation of genealogy including introduction of Jewish Genealogy of Washington State, which meets in our Factoria building. She also entertained questions and answers.
Harlan and Janet Reed guided us in some Hebrew dance instruction.
Members are always invited to bear testimonies.
Please find the Donate button on the front page; your contribution helps.
Here is a list of downloadable presentation handouts
from our local Jewish Gen meetings in LDS Factoria. (Please understand
that there have been other great presentations at JGSWS that are not
listed here.)