In celebration of B'nai Shalom's Jubilee Year (50 years),
Sister Lynda Cherry was our guest speaker.
We had an evening of Israeli/Jewish Dance,
Fellowship and Food, Jewish/LDS Inspiration
and Music at the Bellevue South Stake Center October 2017.
- Israeli/Jewish Dance Instruction by Janet and Harlan Reed Sample the Steps and Music
- Potluck and mingling: Great food
- Lynda Cherry's inspiring "Insight into the Fall Festivals"

- What are these Israelite holidays? Are they important for us to understand?
- How do the Fall Festivals prepare us for the Second Coming of the Messiah?
- How do the Fall Festivals enrich our understanding of the temple?
- King Benjamin followed the pattern of the Feast of Tabernacles for his great address in Mosiah. How can understanding this holy day help us in our own covenant renewal?
- Why is the Day of Atonement significant?
As recorded in Leviticus 23, the Lord gave Moses instruction for seven holy "feast days": three important ones are at the end of the harvest in the fall, culminating with the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
Many mistakenly believe that these holy feasts and festivals pertain only to the Jewish people and to the ancient temple in Jerusalem. But the commandments pertaining to the feasts were given to the whole house of Israel. Prophets who saw the Millennial day prophesied that all nations would participate in Passover and Feast of Tabernacles celebrations (see Zech. 14:16; Ezek. 45). Evidence of the ancient feasts and festivals may be found throughout ancient and modern scripture.
Moroni directed Joseph Smith to remove the plates that would be translated as the Book of Mormon on the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah).
There is reason to believe that the Book of Mormon peoples kept and honored the feast days. King Benjamin followed the "temple script" for the Feast of Tabernacles.
Why This?
Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, said to future LDS President Ezra Taft Benson: "...there are no people in the world who understand the Jews like the Mormons." Elder Benson responded: “We need to know more about the Jews, and the Jews ought to know more about the Mormons.”
Sister Cherry is willing to teach a series of firesides on each individual feast, its symbolism and meaning. Specialties are ancient temple practices, and how they testify of the Messiah, and also ancient Hebrew Feasts and Festivals. In addition, she can offer these subjects::
- “Looking for Ephraim” — Rabbi Israel’s Letter to the Ten Lost Tribes in 1830
- “The Redemption of the Bride”
- “The Promises Made to the Fathers”
- “I Have Called Thee by Thy Name” — The importance of names on the path to Covenant Discipleship
- “Between the Testaments” — The history between the last prophet of the Old Testament and the opening of the New Testament
- “Women of the Scriptures”
About Sister Cherry
Sister Cherry was converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in her youth, and was particularly drawn to the Church's teachings about covenants and temples. She has a deep understanding and love for the restored Gospel, and for Judaism and for its relevance to us today as a foundation for LDS practices and beliefs.
She was a CES teacher for over 12 years, and has been teaching (and team teaching) adult education classes in the region for years. Her classes impart a deepened understanding, an increased testimony and a passion for the gospel in a holistic sense.
Lynda presented classes at BYU Education Week on the Feasts and Festivals, ancient temple practices, and divine symbolism. She presented at firesides and conferences for several Northwest stakes, and taught Gospel Doctrine for over 15 years. She is working on three important research volumes.
She brings to us great passion about UNITING Israel.
Her audiences have been strengthened and inspired, as you will also be.
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