“Joseph and Judah: Enemies No More”
Presented by Sister Lynda Cherry April 2015
The Seattle/NW Chapter of B'nai Shalom, Children of Peace, Org. celebrated its third semiannual gathering Thursday evening, April 23, 2015!

Sister Cherry's Talk

The keynote speaker was Lynda Cherry, religion class teacher. One of her specialties is ancient Hebrew Feasts and Festivals, and also ancient temple practices, and how they testify of the Messiah. She's spoken regularly at Church Education Week, and teaches seminary.
Sister Cherry’s insightful lecture “Joseph and Judah: Enemies No More” reviewed the Joseph and Judah story and the dispersion of the tribes from the Northern Kingdom (Israel) and scriptural prophesies of the future of those tribes as told through the Hebrew bible and the Book of Mormon.
- Audio (MP3) of her talk:
- Text (PDF) of her talk: JudahAndJoseph-Enemies-No-More-April2015.pdf
We hosted a large attendance of members and new visitors who contributed to a sumptuous and varied potluck dinner that spanned four large tables.
Some dishes were Jewish, including matzo ball and chicken soup, corned beef, bagels and cheese spreads, many salads and other savory items.
We were serenaded by members of the Cleaver family who entertained us with Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) songs and two special songs with lyrics by our national president, Marlena Tanya Muchnick-Baker. The family's numerous musical instruments contributed to the evening’s delight.
Amanda Brown played Hebrew melodies for us, then led a group in the several basic dances. Sister Brown had performed at our Salt Lake City gathering in 2013. She is a recent BYU grad, degreed in Ancient Near Eastern Studies/Hebrew Bible and World Dance. A former member of the BYU Folk Dance Ensemble, Amanda continues graduate work in Biblical Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Sixty attended this gathering. We look forward to more growth and many more Spirit-filled evenings where we, His children, can join together to enjoy each other and the benefits offered in the fellowship of Judah and Joseph.
About Sister Cherry
Sister Cherry was converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in her youth, and was particularly drawn to the Church's teachings about covenants and temples. She has a deep understanding and love for the restored Gospel, and for Judaism and for its relevance to us today as a foundation for LDS practices and beliefs.
She was a CES teacher for over 12 years, and has been teaching (and team teaching) adult education classes in the region for years. Her classes impart a deepened understanding, an increased testimony and a passion for the gospel in a holistic sense.
Lynda presented classes at BYU Education Week on the Feasts and Festivals, ancient temple practices, and divine symbolism. She presented at firesides and conferences for several Northwest stakes, and taught Gospel Doctrine for over 15 years. She is working on three important research volumes.
She brings to us great passion about UNITING Israel.
Her audiences have been strengthened and inspired.
Fireside Subjects:
Sister Cherry is willing to teach a series of firesides on each individual feast, its symbolism and meaning. Specialties are ancient temple practices, and how they testify of the Messiah, and also ancient Hebrew Feasts and Festivals. In addition, she can offer these subjects:
- “Looking for Ephraim” — Rabbi Israel’s Letter to the Ten Lost Tribes in 1830
- “The Redemption of the Bride”
- “The Promises Made to the Fathers”
- “I Have Called Thee by Thy Name” — The importance of names on the path to Covenant Discipleship
- “Between the Testaments” — The history between the last prophet of the Old Testament and the opening of the New Testament
- “Women of the Scriptures”