Thursday April 4 2019.
Pioneer Stake Center, 1401 W 700 S, Salt Lake City, UT
Sister Gale Boyd
Gifts from Judaism to the Restored Church of Jesus Christ
She talked about her background and some messages that Judaism has given to Mormonism,
most of which we are not aware of as a Church.
Gale Boyd lived 8 years in Israel. She was the president of Bnai Shalom from 2004 through 2006, and was secretary in the early 1980s. She is the copy editor for More Good Foundation and has authored many articles - and "The Days of Awe". Please scroll down for Her history and her works.
Our Special Evening:
- 6 PM: Israeli/Jewish dance instruction Sample the Steps and Music.
- Daniel Smith's display
- Jewish cultural music led by Julie Gardner.
- Noshing; potluck Jewish/American, and kibitz with old and new friends.
- Author Boyd's presentation about her life as a Jew and a member of the Church, and a deep dive into Jewish holidays.

Author and Editor Gale Boyd
Gale Boyd is a Jewish convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has lived all over the world. " I believe like a Mormon, but I still have a Jewish mind (believe me, it’s something unique to us)."
She was the president of this organization from 2004 through 2006, and was the organization secretary in the early 1980s. She is the copy editor for More Good Foundation and has authored many articles.
She authored the "Days of Awe: Jewish Holy Days, Symbols and Prophecies for Latter-day Saints". In it, she reminds members of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ of their close connection with ancient Israel and that they have roots that extend back to their literal, blood Old Testament ancestry. There is much to learn from that connection. In explaining some important traditional and doctrinal basics of Judaism and their similarities to what we learn in church, she provides a foundation for a deep dive into the Jewish high holy days to find the Messiah that members worship. The book is available in paperback at Amazon and via Kindle.
She is the copy editor and has written much for the faith-promoting "More Good Foundation" (see the list of her other works below this box)
Gale speaks often on:
What it was like to be raised in a Jewish family but find that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the church you need to join. Gale Boyd tells her experience of feeling the spirit in the faith, finding similarities with Judaism and eventually deciding to convert to the Church.
Gale was young when she began looking for a church to join. While she was raised with Jewish influence, by age 15 Gale had hit that "is this all there is?" stage and developed a yearning for whatever was missing. As she looked for a church, she began investigating the Restored Church of Jesus Christ and expressed her feelings of being “at home” when she entered a chapel.
An audio account of her conversion is on Saints Unscripted.
Gale Boyd was born to Jewish parents in Washington, D.C. Her father was teaching at Johns Hopkins University at the time. When Gale was 8 years old the family moved to the Los Angeles area so her father could work with Applied Physics Laboratory as a rocket scientist. Once the family moved west, the family never made a trip back east with their kids. With Gale's father an atheist and her mother abandoning any claim to Judaism, Gale grew up in a home where science was the religion of choice.
She began church-hopping with her friends and had her first spiritual experience when she entered an LDS church. She was baptized at 16 in Los Angeles. A trip back east alone at age 21 opened a new Jewish world to Gale as she discovered her extended family. From that time on, Gale has studied both Judaism and Mormonism and found that Mormonism has restored many ancient Jewish truths.
Gale married Bud Boyd and in 1983 they moved their family to Israel, living there for 8 years. With their kids in Israeli schools for the first 5 of those years, Gale began a deep dive into the Jewish holidays, which were enthusiastically celebrated in school. After they moved from Israel, the Boyd family lived in Cyprus, Los Angeles, Ireland, and Utah. Bud and Gale have served a senior mission to Malaysia.
Their family continues to be internationally-oriented. Currently, they have one child living in Jordan and one in Australia. Their son in Australia has traveled in 97 countries. The result is that in the U.S. no one is really settled and they are always homesick for somewhere.
Sister Boyd has been an active board member of the More Good Foundation. This link is a selection of 13 active websites that More Good Foundation owns and operates. The blogsite Judah and Joseph: Scepter and Sword: (Mormons and Jews) has been a part of the collection.
You may find some of her articles at
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