Summary of History, Speakers, and Newsletters
B'nai Shalom was started in 1967 In Harry Glick's house with Daniel Rona, Al Ostroff, and Jerry Horowitz, as stated by Jerry Kidd, who attended the second meeting. He doesn't beleive that Max Yospe was at first. (Jerry Horowitz is the father of Jerome Horowitz who is currently on the board.)
Other early officers include Sylvia Linford, Sherm Young, Theda Butt, Ron Zeidner, Elissa and Al Molling, Lester Liebschutz, Irving Cohen, Jeremy Friedbaum, Max Yospe, Gail Boyd, Nancy Goodstein Hilton. All have or have had interesting backgrounds. We are grateful for the torch they carried.
See also the historical officers list. At the historical list of speakers, there are links to more info about the speaker and the event, and often a scanned program. All features are not yet all integrated.
NOTE: This page is in process of being reformed into Responsive Web design and merged with another page. In the process, some historical references may be repaired.
Please note that this page is not up to date as to speakers. See
Spring 2017 in Seattle: Sister Lynda Cherry

Lynda Cherry gave a captivating account of the Jewish Festivals and their significance to the restored Gospel; the LDS church. She focused on the Spring Festivals The audience did not want her to stop.
Spring 2017 in Utah: Dr. Matt Bowen of BYU Hawaii

Dr. Bowen spoke on "What Thank Ye the Jews" scripture, many scriptures relating to Lord's attitude to Jews in long term. Very interesting. Robert Hatch accompanied Julie and volunteered a beautiful song he wrote for Jewish audience. Brother Downing had worked as cantor for a synagogue, sang one for us.. See also the YouTube Mormons and Jews channel
At the last minute location changed to the 19th Ward Building. Future Utah gatherings are held in the Pioneer Stake Center.
We elected Chelsea Woodruff to succeed Marlena Baker as President, with Julie Gardner as 1st VP and Daniel Baker as 2nd VP. Marlena is Secretary; Russell Spencer and Mitch Moling are added as board members.
Fall 2016 in Seattle: Dave LeFevre

Brother Dave LeFevre with most interesting insight in a part of Jeremiah; messages Jeremiah has for today's time, and why a Latter-day Saint should understand Jeremiah. Great food. See also the YouTube Mormons and Jews channel
Kim Cooney introduced Feast of the Trumpets with his shofar, followed by "HATIKVA" "The Hope", the official national anthem of Israel. LDS hymn sung in Hebrew. The gathering was held in the Bellevue South Stake Center on a Saturday evening.
Fall 2016 in Salt Lake City: Bliss Mehr

Julie Garner brought beautiful music from the viola on an Eastern European theme to go with the theme of the presentation.
Kahlile Bliss Mehr , expert on Church and geneology in Eastern Europe, spoke on
"The House of Israel as a Unifying Principle" . Info on early (discontinued) proselyting, and development of historical resources in Eastern Europe.
During this last xix months, dear member Elissa Molling passed away after a long term with cancer. She has "always been there" and raised two former B'nai Shalom presidents. 111
More about her, her late husband Al, and about other foundational members here: Also: History of officers.
Spring 2016 in Seattle: Mary Kozy, Jewish Genealogy

The professional Bateman family performed beautiful Hebrew music. Mary Kathryn Kozy provided tips and sources for exploring Jewish Genealogy and DNA. This held the long and intense interest of the audience until the end of the evening.
This stimulated remarkable testimonies. A sister who was not a member of the church was inspired and bore her testimony.
2016 Fall Shofar In this issue:
- Ellisa 1994 Trip to Russia
- Gwen Bardsley 1994: “I Appreciate Joseph Smith”
- Jubilee Year
- WA State Jewish Heritage
- A Guiding Light to Jew and Gentile: B’nai Shalom
- What Thank They the Jews: Judah and Anti-Semitism
- Genealogy—Cluster Research—F.A.N. by Mary Kozy
We are now in the eve of the 50th Anniversary of B'nai Shalom, and we plan to make it the year of the Mormons and Jews - an idea instigated by Mark Peredes in his column on the Jewish Journal several years ago.
Spring 2016 in Utah: Author Brad Kramer

Author Brad Kramer "Beholding the Tree of Life: A Rabbinic Approach to the Book of Mormon"; Levels of interpretive technique developed by Talmudic rabbis. He acheived very intense and lively audience interest and interaction.
Fall 2015 in Seattle: Leslie Rees, Lost Tribes of Israel

Leslie Pearson Reese
Ye Have Been
Hid - Finding the Lost Tribes of Israel
A very informative and corrective presentation. Go to the page for some recordings.
- Alexander Neubaur
- What is Shemittah Year
- Louise Silver’s Story
- Covenantal Father I will Uphold Thee
- Joseph Smith and the Feast of Trumpets
- Doug Tourney-an Inspiration in his last days
Fall 2015 in Utah: Brent Top

BYU Professor and Author Brent Top
"They are not all Israel, Which are of Israel" (Romans 9:6
BYU's program at the Jerusalem Center, and how we can and should have "holy envy".
Spring 2015 in SLC: Patricia Argyle
Our SLC speaker, Patricia Argyle, gave a spiritual testimony
of her grandmother’s murder in Auschwitz.
Pat received a sudden revelation there of forgiveness, a bestowal of peace that healed her and her family of the grief and loss they had born.
- News from our Seattle Committee
- Gospel and the Sabath
- Into the Wilderness
- DNA and Genealogy
- Research in Ukraine
- Blood Moon
NOTE: This page is in process of being reformed into Responsive Web design and merged with another page. In the process, some historical references may be repaired.

Spring 2015 in the Pacific Northwest (Mercer Island)
Our Seattle speaker, Lynda Cherry, gave an insightful lecture “Joseph and Judah: Enemies No More”,
Go to that page for text and recording of her talk. We were entertained by the beautiful performance of the Cleaver family.
Fall 2014 In SLC: O. Hakan Palm of Sweden

- High Holy Days
- Jewish Family Names
- Jewish History Lesson-The Jews of Spain
- Finding Ancestors in Lithuania
- Mission statement
Spring 2014
- Dr. Gileadi, a noted Isaiah scholar and author, drew a large audience in our spring gathering.
- List of his books:
- Go to his website: for a PDF of his excellant talk “Turning the Hearts of the Jews to the Prophets and the Prophets to the Jews” and to subscribe to his insightful newsletters.
- Go here for our pictures and account of the gathering .
- Go here for the Deseret News article "Jewish Mormons celebrate two cultures, eye one faith".
- Harry Glick passing
- Seattle (Northwest) launching
- Europe: Shtetl Life
- Jewish Identity changing in USA
- Golden Plates-Feast of Trumpets
- Abrahamic Covenant
- Four Keys for understanding Isaiah
Spring and Fall 2013
- Spring: Marlena Tanya Muchnick/Baker spoke about how we are family, love one another, the Spirit teaches us in the Temple. Election was then held, and the baton was passed from Daniel Rona to Marlena. Officers:
- Fall: Phil Ortega. A Time of Reconciliation and Joy
- Essential contributions of Jews
- Eternal Truths restored
- Rememberance of 1975
- Orson Hyde letter
- A yearning from across the veil
- Spring 2006
- Dann Hone, language origins, history

- Fall 2005
- Karl-Heinz Schnibbe, survivor of Nazi terror during World War II
- One of the three who defied Hitler

- Fall 2003
- Daniel C Peterson: What has Athens to do with Jerusalem.
- Shane Wamsley, Gwen Bardsley, Christina, Robert Neu at business meeting. Plans: Music by Daniel/Spencer/Jacob Bardsley; Pianist Mirian Bardsley.

- Fall 2000
Donald W. Parry
- "The Great Isaiah Scroll: Notes and Comments about the greatest of the Dead Sea Scrolls"
- Jewish Gen conference in Salt Lake
- Biography on Brother Parry
- About Isaiah: quoted often (page 3)
- About Dead Sea Scrolls (start page 3)
- Jewish Traditions respecting the family - from Truman Madsen (start page 5)
- Dead Sea Scrolls - LDS from Encyclopedia of Mormonism (start page 7)
- The Last "Oy Vey" (start page 10)

- Spring 2000
Hartman Rector Jr
- Speaking on excavation of City of Lehi
- Slutzk, Belarus during and after WWII (page 4)
- Sabbath (page 5)
- Lost from Torah (page 7)
- Jewish Jokes (Last Oy Vey; page 9)
- Fall 1999 speakers
- Conversion Stories
- Shtetl Life (page 7)
- What is Yiddish (page 7)
- History of Fiddler on the Roof (page 8)
- Jewish Jokes (Last Oy Vey; page 10)
- Spring 1999 speakers
- Not stated in Shofar
- The blessings of the B'nai Shalom page 2
- Some thoughts on Pentecost page 9
- The 13 Articles of Jewish faith (put together by 12th-century Rabbi Maimonides) page 10
- The last Oy Vey page 11

- Fall 1998 speakers
- Jim Lehman: digs in Israel,
- Karen Boren spoke on research into the sacrifice of the Red Heifer as spoken of in Numbers 19:2.
This is a very important and interesting historical issue about the first Jewish settlement in Utah and the first synagogues in Utah. Notice on page 9 the church's involvement in the first synagogues.
- First Jewish settlement in Utah (page 2)
Reference to the Russian Far East 1930 - First synagogues in Utah 1911. (page 8)
President George F Smith dedicated first one. Church made a sizable contribution.Jewish man elected mayor of SLC.

- Spring 1998 Speaker
- Legrand Baker:
- Read Shofar pg 2, 3 - exciting statements..
- His Handout
- Forgotton text of 22 day New Year's Festival (pg 2)
- Judah Returns (State of Israel 1948)
- Joseph Baratz from Ukraine 1905 (page 7)

- Fall 1997 Speaker
Monte Nyman, retired BYU Prof, 9 semesters at BYU Jerusalem
- Jewish Books (page 4); Talmud, Mishnah, etc.
- Jewish Calendar (page 7)
- Jewish Jokes (page 10)

- Spring 1997 Speaker
John Welch, co-director of the Masada and Dead Sea exhibition at that time, and founding director of FARMS
- He discovered the first instance of chiasmus in the Book of Mormon in 1967, While a missionary for the LDS church in Regensburg, Germany. Because of previous exposure to the ancient literary device, John Welch correctly identified Mosiah 5:10-12 as a chiasmus, and thence began a life-work.
- Masada and Dead Sea Scrolls (pg 2)
- Timeline from Masada (pg 3)
- Ezra Taft Benson affinity for jews (pg 5)
- Music, instruments, and celebration (pg 10)
- Winter 1996 Speaker
- Kinship, Religion, Transformation of Society (pg 3)
- Value of family newsletter (pg 5)
- Chanukah and recipes (pg 8)
- Music, instruments, and Celebration (pg 10)
- Fall 1996 Speaker
- Jerome Horowitz: The US has two constitutions.
- Life and travels of Morris B Rosenbaum (pg 2)
- 3 Divisions of Jewish people and Jewish surnames (pg 5)
- Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and recipes (pg 8)
- Kosher Food Laws by Dr. Irving Cohen: (pg 18)
- spring 1996
- Announced Summer picnic, July 27 with Klez performer, Netherlands research. No gathering speaker this issue
- Ron Zeidner past president passed away
- Alexander Neibaur first Jewish Convert. His story 5 pgs.
- Jerusalem Redeemed through Law of Tithing.
- An Elder's conversation with Rothschild. MISSING a page.

- Spring 1996 speaker
- Dr. Arnold Green, professor of Near Eastern history at BYU. Speaking on the architecture of synagogues and the situation in Israel.
- Orson Hyde and the rest of the story
- Praising the Lord through music
- Jewish and Gentile families and Jesus day
- Pres. Harry S Truman as a modern Cyrus
- How Jewish families lived in Jesus day
- Fall 1995
- speaker or agenda not named
- Dedication of Palestine
- Joseph and Judah
- Was Columbus Jewish?
- Book of Mormon and Jewish holidays
- Center for Jewish Studies at Utah Valley State College
- Jerusalem 3000th year anniversary
- Spring 1995 agenda:
- Conversion stories. How some descendents of Judah came to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- Hebrew lessons, seminars on Judaism
- what is Yiddish
- what is Hebrew
- indexing project
- fall 1994 speaker
- George W. Pace spoke on the large promises to the Jews. David Rona sang and taught Israeli folksongs.
- Fall 1994 1994Fallshofar.pdf
- Elissa's Trip to Russia
- Trip to historical church sites
- Barbara Shpack leaving,
Charles Smith to be genealogy helper. - Spring 1994 speaker
- Dr. Victor L. Ludlow, Associate Professor of Ancient Scripture at BYU, on "Mormon-Jewish Bridges".

- Paschal Lamb
- Passover Seder
- Spotlight on Irving Cohen

- 1993
Spring 1993 Speaker not mentioned
Music and Dance at Elissa Molling July 9. -
October 1993 Cleon Skousen
What are the prospects for Israel now? at Parley First Ward
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir at Israel 1992 at request of Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek
- Five items in Mission Statement / Objectives
- Serve your people, House of Israel
- Fri Oct 4 1991 Speakers
- Elissa Molling, Harry Glick, Jerry Horowitz, Sylvia Linford and Ron Zeidner
- Fri April 1991
- David Galbraith spoke on Personal Experiences in the Holy Land.
- Widely written on Holy Land, first director of Jerusalem center, in 2015 Montreal temple president. Recent mention. At the Draper 16th Ward
- September 1983 1983SeptShofar.pdf
- Pg 2 Jewish Genealogy research notes by Leon Ilutovich: Warsaw's Jewish cemetery
- Pg 3. Silvia Linford member 35 years
- Pg 3. Profile of Alexander Niebaur - 1841 immigrant - by Theda Bassett Butt
- Pg 4. Recipes
- Pg 5 Tel Aviv 75th birthday
- Pg 5 Yivo requests tales
- fall 1983 speaker
- John Tvedtnes spent 8 years in Israel, taught at the BYU Center, served in the Jerusalem Branch Presidency. He is expert in the Near East cultures; has authored three books. Selected Aricles:
- Hebraisms | Hebrew words | In Jerusalem
- fall 1983 1983FallShofar.pdf
- meet Jerry Kidd
- meet Max Yospe, former President
- passing of Ruth Adams click 1925-1983, married in 1947
- Jerusalem dig uncovers wall of Citadel
- Spring 1982 speaker
- Roland R. Wright, former President of the New York, N.Y. Mission, on the Jewish proselyting program in the mission field. And "Mormon Mustang" (P51) pilot in WWII.
- September 1982 1982Shofar.pdf
- Place, kin, occupation, descriptive, derisive and rank names in Jewish genealogy (Hirshkovitz" meaning son of Hirske, the names denoting membership in the priestly lineage of Aaron or of the family of Levi )
- The value of preliminary training about Jewish, in the Mission field
- Cooking blintzes
- Wayne and Sister LuRee Ottley, returned representatives to Israel
- July 1981
- Demonstration Feast of the Passover, by the Budd and Gale Boyd family. Music by John Rona. John Lieberman was there. Ted Cannon represented the International Mission. Elder Carlos Asay had planned to attend. Testimonies were given.
- July 1981 1981JulyShofar.pdf
- Chicken soup and matzoh balls recipes by Gail Boyd
- spring 1981
- feast of the Passover
Testimonies of two Jewish Converts. - May 1981 1981MayShofar.pdf
- President: Glick; VP: Ostraff; 2nd VP: Jeremy Friedbaum; Treasurer: Ron Nieson
- There is a note for Helen Barr to call Gileadi.
- Met at Club House by Harry Glick's home.
- November 1977 1977NovemberMembersMeeting.pdf
- Present included Glicks, Ostraff, Feldman, Linford. Discussed a matter that had been spoken about by Sherm Young, about the President being a priesthood holder, and Ron Zeidgner released as president because he is Stake Mission President.
- April 1975
- Rodger Hall about Alexander Niebaur (accepted Gospel 1840). Posterity born under covenant: + 6000, including mission presidents, regional reps, stake presidents, bishops, Hugh and Reid Nibley. Ken Dyal of Oakland made report. Rex Pineager said President Kimball opened door to teach the Jews.
- 1975Announce.pdf
- To be held at Monument Park 14th. Invited all members friends and guests interested in Jewish culture and traditions incuding Mormons and Non-Mormons.
- Joyous occasion of spiritual renewal and reunion with old friends
- Un-dated Meeting Notes
- Sometime in 197X Charles Smith to get Shofar, presented idea on web page.
Friedman to sing My Yaddish A mama - 197xBusinessMeetingScribbles.pdf.
- Include names: Glick; Yospe; Charles Smith; Jeremy Friedbaum, Paul and Pearl Friedman; Bro Lipshultz; Ostraff
At the Draper Eastride Stake in Sandy, in a shared room.
President: Jerome, VP: Ron Zeidner, Secretary: Sylvia Linford
Announcement: 1991FallAnnounce.pdf

Announcement: 1991SpringAnnounce.pdf


Members meeting notes
Meeting Announcement