(Herman) Ron Zeidner: Passionate Jewish-Mormon, early B'nai Shalom
Information is from June 12 1996 Deseret News article written by his son; son's name not shown.
Bro Zeidner was president of B'nai Shalom in exact years unknown; he requested release in 1977 when he was called as stake mission president. He was later vice president of B'nai Shalom in 1991. Ron was born into a Jewish family 9/29/39 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He joined the LDS church in June of 1958; his late teens. He gave up relationships with his family and friends to embrace Mormonism. It was only many years after his conversion to Christianity that his family would speak to him.
He had a deep and abiding love of his religion and helped foster that same love in countless others.
He served an LDS mission in the Northwestern States during 1962-64. He served in many capacities in the LDS religion, as a stake mission president, elders quorum president, high councilman, and gospel doctrine teacher.
He also served on a committee for creating missionary discussions for the Jewish people.
He co-authored the book "Exaltation One Step at a Time" with his wife, and produced many LDS oriented tapes including his conversion from Judiasm to Mormonism.
He taught at LDS seminaries and institutes beginning in 1971 in several schools and locations: Roy/Sandrige Junior High, Layton High School, Pleasant Grove High School, Lehi High School, Mountain View High School, Jacksonville, Florida, and Alta High School.
Herman Ronald Zeidner was known by others for his positive attitude, he was always quick to find the good in any situation. His motto was "Never look in the past, always look to the future." He was always there to offer a smile and helped others get through life with his contagious laugh, which even in his death, still rang in the ears of family and friends.
Additional article: 1996 Death notice in Philly.com due to his being a former Philadelphian. "Herman Zeidner, 56, Educator, Friend To All"
This page authored by Daniel Baker. I have copies of "Exaltation One Step at a Time".