B'nai Shalom, Children of Peace, Org.
Affiliation with B'nai Shalom is open to all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and others interested in promoting the objectives of the organization, whether or not such persons are of Jewish ancestry.
We believe in the gathering of Israel and the fulfillment of ancient covenants as described in the Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 29; that it is an ensign proclaiming the gospel of salvation.
Objectives of this organization shall be carried on within the framework of existing LDS programs, and are as follows:
- To promote the faith, activity and spirituality of Jewish members (by some descent) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ("Church"), their families, other members of the Church ("Mormons"), and other interested persons.
- To encourage interest in genealogical work by members of the Church of Jewish ancestry. To develop a program to assist members with problems of research peculiar to Jewish heritage through use of genealogical research and available organizations.
- To provide, via gatherings and other events, the opportunity for Members to enjoy Jewish culture, e.g., music, food, and conversation in the context of membership in the Church. To promote understanding of culture, traditions and attitudes between Mormons and Jews.
- To engage in other spiritually based activities directed to carrying out objectives of the organization.
This Organization has no affiliation with the Church, does not represent the Church, receives no support from the Church, is not sanctioned by the Church in any way; therefore, its actions cannot be attributed to the Church.
No Officer, Director, or member shall proselytize or act in any way that may be construed as having the purpose of proselytizing of descendants of Abraham in the State of Israel.
B’nai Shalom, Children of Peace, Org., is a tax-exempt entity under IRC §501(c)(3) and a Utah non-profit Corporation. Contact through: www.mormonsandjews.org.