Dr. Jeffrey Bradshaw, Ph.D.
Temple Themes in Genesis and the LDS Book of Moses
Deeper understanding of temple themes
enriches appreciation for the teachings and blessings
of the House of the Lord.
Saturday, September 29, 2018 6 PM
Bellevue South Stake Center
(15205 SE 28th St, Bellevue, WA 98007)
Behind the Seattle Temple
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Our Special Evening:
- At 6 PM: Israeli/Jewish dance instruction. Sample the Steps and Music
- 6:30 PM: Noshing at about 6:30 PM. Jewish/American variety pot luck while we kibitz with old and new friends. (See recipes)
- About 7:15 PM: Dr. Bradshaw's presentation of Temple insights. If you can't come earlier, come for this!
- TBD: Jewish music, testimonies.
- Communal cleanup and put away. We must be out by 9:45 PM.
Bring food for the Potluck ! Help wanted !!! >>
We'll need help in setting up tables, chairs, food in a hurry. Most of the board will be doing specifics as well as greeting people. Table helpers (making sure everyone has water, etc.) are a plus.
After we nosh - before the talk - we must clear the tables in a hurry. Then at the end, please help put away tables, chairs, getting things back to the appropriate (marked) rooms and locations, and finally, cleaning up in respect for the use of the building!!

Allusions to temple themes can be found throughout the scriptures, but it is not always easy to recognize them. Efforts have been made to bridge this gap through books that explain the meaning of specific symbols used in scripture and temple worship.
However, most of us not only struggle with the meaning of individual concepts and symbols, but also — and perhaps more crucially — in understanding how these concepts and symbols fit together as a whole system. The symbols and concepts of the temple are best understood, not in isolation, but within the full context of temple teachings to which they belong.
The early chapters of Genesis and the LDS book of Moses are ideal starting points for a scripture-based study of temple themes. It is well known, for example, that the LDS temple endowment includes the stories of Creation and of Adam and Eve.
What is more rarely appreciated, however, is that the relationship between scripture and temple teachings goes two ways. Not only have many of the stories of the book of Moses been included in the endowment, but also, in striking abundance, themes echoing temple architecture, furnishings, ordinances, and covenants have been deeply woven into the text of the Book of Moses itself. Deeper understanding of these themes enriches appreciation for the teachings and blessings of the House of the Lord.
Time allowing, Dr. Bradshaw will share experiences about his mission to the Congo: the Church in the DRC, the Congolese saints, and the Kinshasa temple.
You may view Dr. Bradshaw's personal website, http://www.templethemes.net/, as a path to his speaking activities (renewed after return from his congo mission) and things he has written. Look for free downloads at his website.
In summary, Jeff has published many books and articles relating to the books of Moses and Genesis, temple studies, and the ancient Near East, with articles appearing in the Meridian (LDSMag, Mormon Interpreter, and the Maxwell Institute.. He has presented at BYU Education week, the Sperry Symposium, FairMormon, etc.
Click for Dr. Bradshaw's Background and More Detail of His Works >>>>
Again, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw has published books and articles on the book of Moses and Genesis 1-11, temple studies and the ancient Near East (www.templethemes.net). He has lectured at BYU Education Week and the Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. He has also presented at FairMormon meetings in the United States, Germany, and France.
His articles on temple studies and the ancient Near East have appeared in Studies in the Bible and Antiquity in (BYU Maxwell Institute), Element: A Journal of Mormon Philosophy and Theology, the Mormon Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture, Meridian Magazine, and BYU Studies. He is a vice president of The Interpreter Foundation and a member of the board for the Academy of Temple Studies.
Jeff was a missionary in France and Belgium from 1975–1977. He has served twice as a bishop and twice as a counselor in the stake presidency of the Pensacola Florida Stake. He and his wife, Kathleen, are the parents of four children and twelve grandchildren. In June 2018, they finished two years of service in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa Mission.
Jeff is a Senior Research Scientist at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) in Pensacola, Florida (see Wikipedia). His professional writings have explored a wide range of topics in human and machine intelligence.
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