Our Gathering April 2nd, in the historic Salt Lake Stake Center
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These pictures show the happy gathering of more than 200 members at our April 2nd event. So many tasteful things to eat! People brought Jewish food, Italian food, matzo ball soup by Chelsea Woodruff a specialty – and all kinds of dishes and sumptuous desserts! We encourage variety and quantity in the foods our members bring.
Our musical numbers featured a Sephardic theme. Julie Gardner and Joshua Austin played many traditional Spanish melodies, their rhythm enlivening and soothing at the same time. Diana Isham accompanied with her soft sweet voice.
Our speaker, Patricia Argyle, gave a spiritual testimony
of her grandmother’s murder in Auschwitz.
Pat received a sudden revelation there of forgiveness, a bestowal of peace that healed her and her family of the grief and loss they’d borne.
The large chapel was filled with members and friends who listened intently and many eyes were wet with tears.
One of our newest officers, Russell Spencer of Boise, Idaho, came and enjoyed his time. He is a new liaison to B’nai Shalom who will share our Mission Statement with LDS during his first two years in office.
Nancy Hilton, our organization’s Jewish genealogist, was in place to help members with their search for Jewish ancestors. As always, many were eager to speak with her.
Nancy and her husband, Lynn are mainstays at our gatherings.
We were very fortunate to have the former BYU director of the International Folk Dance Ensemble, Edwin Austin, Jr., from the BYU Dept. of Dance to teach and lead us in the art of the Hebrew dance.
Come and partake!
Media articles from this gathering (Station KSL articles):